How to make your own eye pillow

An ideal treat after a hectic day and the perfect complement for a Restorative Yoga session or during Savasana, having an eye pillow is a must! The smell of the lavender flowers and the weight of the linen seeds that create a soft pressure on the eyes invite you to release and relax more deeply.

Follow this easy this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to make it yourself.

  • 45 x 10 cm piece of 100% cotton, linen or silk fabric for the outer case
  • 19.5 x 18.5 cm piece of fine cotton fabric for the inner pillow
  • 70 grams of linen seeds
  • 20 grams of lavender flowers
  • lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
  • sewing thread
  • sewing needle
  • pin needles
  • sewing mashine
  • iron and iron board
Materials needed for eye pillow

Step-by-step instructions

Before starting, wash and iron both fabrics according to their composition (cotton, linen, silk, etc) and gather all the materials you’ll need.

Cotton case
  1. Fold the cotton fabric in two along the longest side. Pin the edges and stitch on the three sides leaving an opening on one of the short sides to turn it inside out.
  2. Mix the linen seeds with the lavender flowers and add a few drops of the lavender essential oil. Use a funnel (or make a cone with a piece of thick paper and tape) to fill the pillow.
  3. Close the pillow by hand using the invisible ladder stitch.
Eye pillow cotton case

Outer case
  1. For the outer case I used eco-printed silk by Anna & Juan. Fold the short edges of the printed fabric twice and stitch along with the sewing machine. This will keep the ends from fraying. You can iron them for a perfect finish.
  2. Lay the fabric flat, printed side facing up. Now fold the short edges overlapping in the centre about 3 cm. The case should measure 18 x 10 cm.
  3. Pin the fabric and sew along top and bottom edges leaving a 0.75 cm allowance.
  4. Turn the case inside out through the center opening. Iron once again and place the filled cotton pillow inside the outer case.
  5. Your eye pillow is ready to use!
Eye pillow outer case
Eye pillow technical drawings